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2 points by Xichekolas 6179 days ago | link | parent | on: The Erlang Challenge

I think in a case like hosting web apps, you can get away with using the OS's scheduling to run lots of instances of your server software and call it architectural concurrency. Witness Rails' standard deployment model with a pack of mongrels. Each rails instance is single-threaded, but you are running several on the machine and let the OS juggle them.

I think the appeal of Erlang and others like it is if you have a single app that you want to speed up with additional cores (it's hard to run a database on a bunch of commodity PCs as separate instances... it's done that way today, but will multimaster DBs really scale to 10,000 machines? Probably have to ditch the central DB for something more parallel) I think that if we have really hit the single core speed limit, then this eventually will matter, but not until the single thread becomes too big for one core to handle. (Assuming software requires more resources over time here... who knows.)

To get away from the webapp example... I imagine, for the foreseeable future, your web browser is really only going to need one core, and having more cores just means you can run more browsers at a time (like a pack of foxes, if you will), but a single browser won't get any speedup. In 10 years, when everything on the web is rendered in OpenGL 5 instead of text markup, maybe your browser will want some more parallelism (or maybe we'll just farm that off to dedicated graphics hardware).

I don't think it's really something critical for Arc right now. It's hard to follow the Erlang model without become Erlang (just like it's hard to do everything Lisp does without becoming Lisp), but I think that having parallelism baked into the language (or at least thought about) would be neat from a personal-coding-fun standpoint.


1 point by ryantmulligan 6179 days ago | link

right now, two cores makes Javascript intensive apps not suck. For instance, without two cores I can't handle Google's Apps, with two cores they function nicely.


Well... it is the best kind of dictatorship...


6 points by ryantmulligan 6182 days ago | link

yea. I guess that 'yay' sounded sarcastic. It wasn't. All of the best languages I know of are benevolent dictatorships.


2 points by kennytilton 6182 days ago | link

I don't know, look at how GvR treats lambda: a weak version and he still tried to back it out of the language at one point. Even when benevolent the judgment can stumble -- hell, McCarthy still does not like sexprs! :) The good thing about Arc is that it has decent macros, so not even PG can dictate to users -- we'll just MAC an end run. :)


1 point by Xichekolas 6183 days ago | link | parent | on: Multi-var function literal shorthand

One thing about underscores is that they kind of stand out... but I agree, they are a bit weird. Other options could be (@, $, %, *, ?)


1 point by Xichekolas 6183 days ago | link | parent | on: Multi-var function literal shorthand

I thought the whole point of the bracketed function literal syntax was that you don't have a parameter list...


Well frankly toothpaste tastes bad and soap chafes his skin. PG likes to keep in natural... an earthy scent if you will.

... oh, you meant hygiene as in hygienic macros... uh...


4 points by Xichekolas 6186 days ago | link | parent | on: This is probably a really bad idea.

Yeah something like the timelime feature in trac would be nice to see the diffs and commits. Would also probably make it easier to notice people slipping in those calls to 'rm -rf /' with system and back those out.


I prefer inline comments with explanation and examples. If you want a somewhat decent example, think of (dare I say it) Javadoc comments and Rdoc comments. Someone just needs to write something (in arc of course) to parse .arc files and build up html docs, then you can have them on a website and in the code, but the code is the authority.

(In fact, this gives me something to do tonight.)


1 point by tjr 6187 days ago | link

If pg & co. will add the comments and/or accept patches from users with comments, then yes, this would be the best method for function reference documentation, especially given Arc's present volatility.


3 points by Xichekolas 6187 days ago | link | parent | on: I hereby propose...

I like Architect... let PG be the Archangel.


1 point by Xichekolas 6187 days ago | link | parent | on: I hereby propose...

That was A+


5 points by Xichekolas 6187 days ago | link | parent | on: I hereby propose...

Well if Arc Hackers are called Arcists, shouldn't Arc Haters be called Anarchists?

