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4 points by rms 5431 days ago | link | parent | on: Poll: All things not arc?

Why not just submit it to Hacker News?

If you did really want to ask a more personal question, those don't work on Hacker News very well anymore. They're probably against the secret rules of this forum, but if you don't have a better place to ask your question than here maybe you should just go ahead and ask.

Note however, that if you think you could actually go out and start a successful social news site of any sort, programming or non-programming, you might consider applying to Y Combinator. There is still room for a lot more Reddits out there.

Starting a new social news site is really hard though. It's much more of a marketing challenge than anything else.


2 points by thaddeus 5430 days ago | link

-Why not just submit it to Hacker News?

HN: Too crowded, too fast. I can't remember users from one day to the next. Getting down-voted for slightly different etiquette that breaks 'secret rules' sux.

-Note however, that if you think you could actually go out and start a successful social news site of any sort, programming or non-programming, you might consider applying to Y Combinator.

I've been working something, different, for about 6 months, hackin on weekends evenings. I don't want to quit my job - I like my job. I get paid quite well so funding isn't something I think about. I'm happy tinkering along until I get my vision down pat. 50%-60% complete, but the remainder will take about 6 months for me (dependant upon how much I golf this year). Golf is more important than you might think! :)

-Starting a new social news site is really hard though. It's much more of a marketing challenge than anything else.

Yup. Done that. Been there.
