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1 point by SteveMorin 5039 days ago | link | parent

"The main thing I'm afraid of is the documentation site becoming stagnant. Too often, someone finds the website and asks "How do I get version 372 of MzScheme?" Too often, someone who's been reading the whole time finally looks at the Arc source and starts a forum thread to say "Look at all these unappreciated functions!" ^_^ I don't blame pg or kens; I blame the fact that they don't have all the time in the world to do everything they want. I'm in the same position, and I bet it's pretty universal."

I think if contributing is open and flexible people will contribute to keep the site up todate. Complete and simple instructions must exist to help and encourage people to contribute. Some is social where people feel they need "permission" to contribute.

The interesting thing I am seeing among the experimentation and projects people are doing here is the fragmentation. I think experimentation with languages are great and very necessary but it's difficult to see there isn't a main champion for the community to rally behind.