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1 point by Pauan 4552 days ago | link | parent

"That's a more pure-FP approach to things, but what do you plan to use the returned environment for?"

Well, here's how I figured it might work... a $vau evaluates its body left-to-right in its lexical environment, right? So I figured it would take the result of evaluating the top-level expression and then use that as the environment for the next top-level expression.

Like I said, I'm not really terribly worried about parallelism, at least, not that kind of parallelism. Being able to evaluate sub-expressions and stuff in parallel is cool and all, but I get the impression it'll be hard no matter what system I come up with, because of mutation and side effects. It's probably better to make concurrency explicit, like it is in Clojure.


"If you ignore the environment result everywhere but at the top level, and you use it as the environment for the next top-level command, that could be pretty nice."

Yeah that pretty much sums up my idea. I'm still not convinced this is actually the right way to do it, but it is interesting enough to have mildly piqued my interest.