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Couple more srv changes
4 points by byronsalty 6176 days ago | discuss
After the last set of changes ( it was possible that files you didn't want public would be served via asv since it simply looked for a file in the base directory and served it if it existed.

Now, I've added a rootdir* variable to srv.arc. All static files will be served out of the rootdir instead of the base dir. So if you were already serving files with asv, including the gifs it originally supported, then this change will break your app. PG's philosophy is to do things the right way even if doing so breaks existing apps so I'm following that.

As you can see from the line below defaulting the rootdir* to "" (effectively what it was before this change) does not match the other dirs defined so I've put static files under "arc/public_html/".

(= arcdir* "arc/" logdir* "arc/logs/" rootdir* "arc/public_html/" quitsrv* nil breaksrv* nil)

The other change in this check-in was to allow 404s and 500s to be full html pages instead of the simple "Unknown Operator" type text that currently exists. To use this feature just add a 404.html or 500.html to the rootdir. The names of these files are also configurable and you could add others here which would get picked up in (respond-err) if the server threw any other types of errors.

(= errorpages* (listtab '((404 "404.html") (500 "500.html"))))