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"Axioms" that might need to be added
14 points by binx 6177 days ago | 26 comments
1.The function of "expand-macro", and the support for reader macros. The former makes code-walkers possible and the latter lets the user create more syntax structures than [+ _ 1], etc. These two features may not be used as often as normal macros do, but if Arc is going to have much emphasis on meta-programming, they are important.

2.Implicit currying. In fact we cannot call it an axiom. But it's quite handy for writing functional-style programs and would significantly make them shorter and easier to read. Implicit currying is not hard to implement. There might be problems when mixing implicit currying and non-fixed-number parameters. However, the problems are not un-solvable, I guess.

Sorry for my poor English:)

3 points by shiro 6175 days ago | link

One of my friend is a Haskell programmer and he and I once have tried to put implicit currying into Scheme.

The biggest problem is Scheme's variable arity. You might think you can do currying only based on the required arguments, but that doesn't work in practice. Suppose this simple "complement" procedure:

    (def complement (f) (fn args (no (apply f args))))
This loses arity information of original function f. It is extremely annoying that you get it curried for two-arg function f by

    (f 1)
and not curried for its complement:

    (~f 1)
Another example that breaks implicit currying is a simple debugging aid procedure that wraps the given function to trace its invocation. Just redefining f with the wrapped f (which, many simple 'trace' macro does), and implicit currying on f break. It's very fragile.

If you have access to the internal of the implementation, you may be able to extract arity information from the original function and transplant it to the new function. But automating it generally is difficult, and relying programmers to do that manually is cumbersome.

Our conclusion was that implicit currying and variable arity (without type information) didn't mix. You have to choose either one.


1 point by binx 6175 days ago | link

The same statement can be used for multiple inheritance. Some people may call it a trouble maker, while some people call it a feature...


3 points by shiro 6175 days ago | link

I don't quite get the parallel. I'm talking about introduction of a new feature X breaking a model implied by an existing feature Y, even if there's nothing wrong with either X or Y individually. Can you elaborate your remark?


5 points by bogomipz 6176 days ago | link

If the [...] syntax had a notation for passing on all arguments, implicit currying would be less important. Being explicit about the currying has the advantage that you don't have to know the arity of a function to recognize that currying is taking place.

How about allowing (+ 3 7 4 6 3) to be written as:

  (let numbers '(4 6 3)
       (+ 3 7 . numbers))
Couple this with [...] capturing all arguments in a variable and you get something like this (feel free to come up with a better variable than ^):

  [foo 'a 'b 'c . ^]


2 points by eds 6175 days ago | link

Maybe with list splicing so you don't have to insert the list parameters at the end?

  (let numbers '(4 6 3)
    (+ 3 @numbers 7))

  [foo 'a 'b @^ 'c]


1 point by bogomipz 6174 days ago | link

Yes, by all means. Here, I was talking about currying, though, so splicing was not a concern.

I'm not quite sure whether @ should be allowed to reuse the list when used at the end, but I believe it would be most correct not to. So (like mentioned several times before) the dot notation means cons, while @ means splice, which is not the same thing, even when used at the end of the surrounding list.


3 points by almkglor 6176 days ago | link

The git repository at git:// (viewable at contains an "expand" function which claims to completely expand macros.

Another function you might be interested in is macex. This is in pg's arc0.


1 point by drcode 6176 days ago | link

Important note on implicit function currying:

In order to benefit most from this, languages such as haskell that include this feature have their core library functions written such that the most useful parameters to be "curried away" (which are usually obvious) are located at the end of the list.

For instance, you may want to redefine the function signature for subseq from:

  (def subseq (seq start (o end (len seq)))

  (def subseq ((start (o end (len seq))) seq)
With that signature you would write (subseq '(1 4) "qwerty") which is arguably a more elegant style, as well. (yes, you can actually place an optional param inside of a destructuring like this in arc so it isn't at the end) Of course, the need for the quote is perhaps a small minus for some people.

Then you could use it in a curried fashion in a useful way:

  ;chop two letters off of each word
  > (map (subseq '(2)) '("apple" "orange" "banana")))
  ("ple" "ange" "nana")


3 points by greatness 6176 days ago | link

I like the idea of number two, but I'm not sure how useful it would be in arc where the language seldom requires X amount of arguments; for example:

  (< a)
works just fine and wouldn't be curried. So in order to make currying useful, we'd have to re-write a good chunk of arc code to make some of the optional arguments required.


1 point by drcode 6176 days ago | link

Point taken.

However, the core arc library commands, by their nature, are very general and hence have few mandatory parameters. However, most functions for any actual application will be far more specific and hence, I believe, will tend to be loaded with mandatory parameters. This is the use for case which function currying would be very valuable.


6 points by pg 6176 days ago | link

What should the syntax for currying look like?


5 points by binx 6176 days ago | link

Implicit currying just means that currying needs no special syntax. For example, (map f) automatically means (fn (x) (map f x)), and

(def g (map f)) (g x) automatically means (map f x).


6 points by pg 6176 days ago | link

Surely it would lead to all sorts of problems if you didn't use distinctive syntax. When you passed too few arguments to a fn, instead of generating an error, it would just yield a curried version.

Or is this one of those things (like defmacro in a Lisp1) that sounds like it would lead to problems, but doesn't in practice?


6 points by drcode 6176 days ago | link

According to your essays, a major paradigm of arc is to let hackers do as much as possible, without giving errors when the compiler is worried things are "too dangerous". Partial application/function currying is my #1 request for arc right now... I would love it if any arc function given too few non-optional parameters would perform an implicit curry.


7 points by almkglor 6176 days ago | link

Incidentally, [...] syntax helps amortize the problem of non-existent curry: curried (map fn) == [map fn _]

Adding curry support will also require us to define flipped parameters, i.e.

  (def flip (f x y)
    (f y x))
Or better:

  (mac flip ( (f x . ys) )
      (no ys)
        (w/uniq p
          `(fn (,p) (,f ,p ,x)))
      (is 1 (len ys))
        `(,f ,(car ys) ,x)
        (ero "flip: more than two parameters in call")))
which allows us to use:

  (flip:map seq)


2 points by binx 6176 days ago | link

When parameters are too many, for example, in:

(def f (x) (fn (y) (g x y)))

According to currying, (f x y) should mean ((f x) y). This feature can't be expressed by [...] syntax.


4 points by almkglor 6176 days ago | link

I didn't say it completely eliminates the need for currying - I said it "amortizes" or PARTLY eliminates the need.


8 points by binx 6176 days ago | link

In haskell and all ML children, when you pass too few arguments to a fn, it would just yield a curried version. Of course, they have static type systems to reduce errors caused by passing too few arguments. but I guess Arc's goal is to be good for quick prototyping, not good at elimating run-time errors...


8 points by pg 6176 days ago | link

Ah, so that's what people mean when they say that in Haskell, the Curry is implicit.


3 points by lojic 6176 days ago | link

That is one of the features of Haskell I really like. I'm not sure of all the implications for attempting it with Arc, but if it's possible to do it well, I think it's worth the research.


3 points by binx 6176 days ago | link

In addition, a whole-program flow analyzer can find most of such bugs in a dynamically-typed language.


3 points by binx 6176 days ago | link

Implicit currying is another "new possibility". In CL, applying a number to a list causes an error, but it's valid in Arc. And in CL, passinging less or more arguments to a fixed-number-parameter-function causes an error, but with implicit currying, it's not an error any more.


1 point by dfranke 6175 days ago | link

  (= foo (- 10 ... 3))
  (foo 2 1) --> 4

  (def bar (x y) [+ x y 2 _])
  (bar 1 2 3) --> 8


2 points by croach 6174 days ago | link

I wholeheartedly agree with your suggestion that implicit currying be added to Arc. Currying was always one of those things that I felt was missing from Lisp, especially since it was based on lambda calculus from the beginning. Also, combining currying with composition provides tons of flexibility for creating new functionality in the language, just look at what all can be done with it in Haskell.

Definitely +1 for currying in Arc.


1 point by almkglor 6176 days ago | link

A way to determine if an optional parameter was specified:

  (def func ((o param nil param-specified))
    (if (param-specified)
       (do-this param)
My 'defpat macro (in the arc-wiki git on nex-3's site) helps amortize this lack:

  (defpat func
    (param)  (do-this param)
    ()       (do-that))
However, currently my defpat macro does not support initializing unspecified optional arguments.


2 points by sacado 6177 days ago | link

#2 would be great.
