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Arc REPL in emacs using cider-mode (
6 points by shawn 2135 days ago | 8 comments

4 points by shawn 2135 days ago | link

There's no audio, so it's probably a bit hard to follow. I just wanted to throw together a quick demo of the Arc tooling I've been working on.

I implemented the nREPL protocol in Arc. This video shows cider-mode interacting with it (via `cider-connect`).


4 points by i4cu 2134 days ago | link

> There's no audio

There's awesome audio... I watched it a second time just for the audio!


2 points by i4cu 2134 days ago | link

> I just wanted to throw together a quick demo of the Arc tooling I've been working on.

To what end, might I ask? i.e. are you planning to contribute this to the arc community? Is this something the community can leverage with their own tooling?

I could have other questions, but if it's not something I can use or look at then they become somewhat pointless (the questions, that is).


5 points by akkartik 2134 days ago | link

Looks wonderful! Thanks for exposing me to some new keywords ("nrepl", "cider-mode")


5 points by i4cu 2134 days ago | link

For anyone else who might be interested:





4 points by zck 2119 days ago | link

This is super cool. I'd love to have this for Emacs! Can you share what you've got? Maybe a complete config from `emacs -Q`?

And if anyone's ever in NYC, I co-organize the Emacs NYC meetup group. Would love to see y'all.


2 points by shawn 2104 days ago | link

I intend to. It has taken some time due to some unexpected issues with unicode handling that were recently resolved with

I'll do a Show Arc soon with some tooling for the community, including nREPL support.


2 points by i4cu 2109 days ago | link

Related if considering nRepl for Arc.

nREPL: Beyond Clojure
