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1 point by almkglor 6169 days ago | link | parent

  (from "arc.arc")
  [mac] (point name . body)
   Creates a form which may be exited by calling `name' from within `body'. 

  (mac point (name . body)
    " Creates a form which may be exited by calling `name' from within `body'. "
    (w/uniq g
      `(ccc (fn (,g)
              (let ,name [,g _]

1 point by applepie 6169 days ago | link

I don't understand how it relates to generators (?)


1 point by almkglor 6168 days ago | link

  (mac lcc (name . body)
    `(ccc (fn (,name) ,@body)))
Please use Arc built-ins as much as possible instead of defining your own.

Come to think of it, pg should really make the docstrings mod official, and he most definitely needs to put docstrings in his own code.


2 points by applepie 6168 days ago | link


I'm programming for myself, not for you. You can use, modify, improve or drop the code if you find it useful, but don't tell me what I should and what I shouldn't do.


3 points by kennytilton 6168 days ago | link

I think the suggestion was just phrased a little awkwardly.

Lisp is so easy to program that it is commonplace to reinvent builtins -- they are as easy to write as they are to find (especially in an, er, mildly documented language).

I went proactive on reinvention thang and invited people to let me know of things I had reinvented. Somewhat tangentially, I also make an effort to use things like [... _ ...] and func.arg to give pg's ideas a fair test and so my Arc code can help other noobs get up to speed on the language. If I stay as close as I can to my preferred Common Lisp, like someone writing C in Common Lisp neither I nor anyone else gets a feel for Arc. But I digress.
