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3 points by kennytilton 6164 days ago | link | parent

Right, and the "score one" headline is about my concern that Arc abbreviations might not become second nature. My Arccells code uses a lot of it, but most times I had to go back and edit a (foo bar) into cuz the (foo bar) just rolled off my fingers. Of course Arc and I are new to each other so it is too soon to tell, but it feels like my fingers now need a lookahead ability they may not be able to grow. I am especially suspect of the piping : ever catching on.

In this case, I guess the one variable LET syntax of Arc caught on pretty damn fast. :)

2 points by bogomipz 6164 days ago | link

I'm sure you will remember to use foo:bar when the alternative is (fn args (foo (apply bar args)))

Using : only in the most important places might be a good thing. I.e not overuse it for (foo (bar x)) -> (foo:bar x) where it trades readability for 2 characters.
