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2 points by rocketnia 4444 days ago | link | parent

"I have no clue how to implement [logic variables]..."

I'll pretend you're curious though~! :D

In proof theory terms, constraint logic programming is closely related to proof search: Given a theorem, it finds a proof. Functional programming is closely related to proof normalization: Given a proof, it finds a simpler way to express the same proof (by, for example, reducing the proof all the way to a literal value).

Going by this correspondence, one way to combine these kinds of programming is by putting the theorem-heavy constraint logic code into a type system for the proof-heavy functional code. Agda is probably a very expressive language for this approach, since the full computational power of its "static" type system can potentially live until run time. Other typed functional languages with implicit arguments or type classes fit this bill too, but the phase separation might stifle it.

If you're not so interested in type systems, other languages have tackled this combination of programming paradigms in a more procedural way. It looks like and its "see also" links are a good starting point.

A search for [racket constraint logic] brings up Racklog ( It doesn't look like Racklog has numeric constraints, and it's based on Prolog besides, so it's clearly in the logic programming camp.

I don't really have a clue how this stuff is implemented, but I fear it might just be a lot of backtracking search most of the time. :-p I'm guessing (ISO standard) Prolog is particularly doomed to backtracking search, since some of its predicates have side effects.

There's probably some kind of relationship between depth-first vs. breath-first search and strict vs. lazy evaluation....


"[...]so I'll stick with my nice simple system."

"I like the simplicity of doing the pattern matching from left-to-right[...]"

As Rich Hickey says, "simple" and "easy" are distinct concepts. An easy implementation doesn't necessarily lead to a simple result.

In his "Simple Made Easy" talk, he specifically considered 'fold more complex than 'reduce due to the way it imposed a left-to-right or right-to-left ordering that wasn't necessarily part of the programmer's intent.

Ironically, he also dissed type systems. :)

2 points by Pauan 4443 days ago | link

"It looks like and its "see also" links are a good starting point."

  fun {Fact N}
     if N =< 0 then 1 else N*{Fact N-1} end

  fun {Comb N K}
     {Fact N} div ({Fact K} * {Fact N-K}) % integers can't overflow in Oz (unless no memory is left)

  fun {SumList List}
     case List of nil then 0
     [] H|T then H+{SumList T} % pattern matching on lists
I found the above to be cool: notice that the function arguments match the function call. This is like what akkartik was talking about:


1 point by Pauan 4444 days ago | link

"I'll pretend you're curious though~! :D"

I admit I am vaguely curious about lots of things. That Racklog in particular seems interesting.


"As Rich Hickey says, "simple" and "easy" are distinct concepts. An easy implementation doesn't necessarily lead to a simple result."

I am aware. But until I either A) find a better system that I can actually understand and implement or B) find some severe flaw with my system, I'll stick with my system.

In addition, because of immutable environments, variable bindings are strictly from top-to-bottom. So enforcing that same kind of strict left-to-right ordering is more consistent and I think intuitive for the programmer. So I would say it is both easy and simple.


"In his "Simple Made Easy" talk, he specifically considered 'fold more complex than 'reduce due to the way it imposed a left-to-right or right-to-left ordering that wasn't necessarily part of the programmer's intent."

Well, okay, but sometimes you really do want that different ordering.


"Ironically, he also dissed type systems. :)"

I guess it depends highly on what he meant by "type systems". I haven't seen that video so I don't know.
